Build your ownbouquetwith theJurianne Matterfoldable flowerornaments.Fieldis a collection of 12 large, paperflowers with a mix ofmuted, earthy colours.
Theflowers arepre-punched and pre-creased so assembling them is a matter of just folding along thelines. The set also comes with 6 meters of thread wire, which can be cut to thedesired length and guided through the perforated slitsto put togetherthe bouquet.
Fieldis a sustainable bouquet: it will never wilt andthe flowers are printed with vegetable inks on FSC certified paper.
- 5 cards in A4 format (12 punched-out flowers)
- The biggest thistle is 8cm in circumference when folded up
- The biggest reed panicle is 10cm long when folded up
- The branch is 28cm long
- The large iris is 11cm high and 7.5cm wide
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